Issue in connecting to wifi with brand new smartcar v4


I have offered a smart car v4 to my kids for christmas.

The car was built and tested successfully the first time but the day after we could not connect to the wifi and control the car.

Based on the documentation ELEGOO Smart Robot Car V4.0 with camera: Upload code to the camera mod – ELEGOO Official I installed Arduino and relevant boards to configure the wifi on a different channel and also secure it.

After having uploaded the package to the camera (esp32-wrover camera 1.5), I still can't connect to the wifi. I checked the serial monitor and can see the following errors

[E][camera.c:1113] camera_probe(): Detected camera not supported.

[E][camera.c:1379] esp_camera_init(): Camera probe failed with error 0x20004

assertion "Invalid mbox" failed: file "/home/runner/work/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/lwip/lwip/src/api/tcpip.c", line 374, function: tcpip_send_msg_wait_sem
abort() was called at PC 0x400f7627 on core 1

I commented the code related to the configuration of the camera to test just the wifi (wifi AP then worked). Can you please indicate why the camera appears not supported and how this can be fixed?

Technical env:

  • macOS Big Sur

  • Arduino IDE 2.2 (I tried with version 1.8 without much more success)

  • esp32-wrover camera 1.5 with OV2640 and esp32-wrover

  • ESP32 Dev Module 1.0.6 (from expressif systems)

Thanks in advance.


Found something about camera and wifi... but let's call @ptillisch about macOS things

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