Issue with stepper motor (possibly damaged)

Forgive me if I don't provide the proper terminology; I'm pretty new to arduinos and have been trying to experiment with different modules recently. I've never used an arduino stepper motor, so today I decided to mess around with one. I followed a youtube tutorial which uses the exact same kit and code as what I have set up.

For reference, the tutorial can be found here:

I have 3.3V/5V power supply that I powered up with a 9V battery (I know I shouldn't use 9Vs but I just wanted to run a simple test on the motor). Initially I tested the power supply independent from the breadboard which was successful -- after pressing the toggle switch the green LED lights up and everything seems fine. However, after plugging the PS into the breadboard, the PS wouldn't turn on.

Long story short, I've found that after positioning the PS onto the breadboard it will only turn on when the stepper motor is disconnected from the motor driver. The driver seems to work fine -- the driver's ABCD LEDs change every time the arduino sends the command (on a 300ms delay, confirmed with the serial monitor).

My question is, why does connecting the motor to the driver seem to short circuit the PS? Is it likely that the motor is defective?

I can provide code and pictures if necessary, but I figure the answer may be obvious to some of you even without a reference. Thanks for your help.

Need to see how you have it wired to really answer.

Would a picture be acceptable, or would your require a diagram?

Diagram is better. As long as it is easy to see what is connected where.

If your skill level is very low, then you might consider posting both. Something might not be what you think. It might help to have someone look at the wiring job itself too.

Here's a quick picture, I can work on a diagram as well.

Hi, @nick0440
Welcome to the forum.

A schematic and your code would help.

Can you please post a copy of your circuit a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Hand drawn and photographed is perfectly acceptable.
Please include ALL hardware, power supplies, component names and pin labels.
PLEASE no Fritzy image diagrams.

Do you have a DMM?

You will be lucky if the PP3 9V battery will have enough capacity to start the stepper possibly run it for some decent time.

Thanks.. Tom.. :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

I wonder if the stepper is sagging the voltage in the battery to the point that it is cutting off the PS.

Can you try with a few AA or 18650's or something?

I'm afraid I'm limited by what was included in the kit.
I am planning on purchasing a power adapter today, would this be sufficient?

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Thank you for the greetings, I'm a novice when it comes to electrical schematics and I'm not entirely sure how to create them. If I may ask, why are Fritzy diagrams frowned upon?

That should give you plenty of 9V.

Awesome, I'll check back with you all in a day or two, thanks for your help.

So after plugging a 12v power adapter into the PS, the stepper motor is operating as expected. Thanks all for the help

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