Issues concerning programming Pro-mini and LIS3DH

Hello everyone,
I am new to programming and I really want to get into it. Lately, I have been inspired by Allen Pan and his project on to make the firebending gloves so that I could have a pair of my own. But, I have been having issues trying to figure out how to program the LIS3DH and the Pro-mini with an Uno. I have looked everywhere online to figure it out but I still do not completely understand it. I have been able to program the example blink function on the Pro-mini with the Uno but I have not been able to figure out how to implement the code that Allen Pan wrote with the LIS3DH and the Pro-mini. Whenever I try and compile the data, it always pops up in an error. I have tried working different ways with the code but all attempts have failed and I have no clue where to go from there. With the code, I keep getting an error that will not let me compile the data. I have downloaded the LIS3DH Adafruit Library folder. I will be getting a FTDI chip soon so if that would be better to program with. Also, I still am a little confused on where to connect the LIS3DH pins to the Pro-mini when I am trying to download the data. If anyone can please help me figure these issues out it would be much appreciated!

Error message that pops up:

Arduino: 1.8.9 (Mac OS X), Board: "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini, ATmega328P (5V, 16 MHz)"

In file included from /var/folders/mj/k24pm_yj0x79_t67ygnhm66w0000gp/T/arduino_modified_sketch_45932/acceldemo.ino:5:0:
/Users/boys/Documents/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_LIS3DH/Adafruit_LIS3DH.h:30:29: fatal error: Adafruit_Sensor.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Pro or Pro Mini.

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

Code that I am using:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_LIS3DH.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>

// Used for software SPI
#define LIS3DH_CLK 13
#define LIS3DH_MISO 12
#define LIS3DH_MOSI 11
// Used for hardware & software SPI
#define LIS3DH_CS 10

//software SPI

//A fist experiences significant acceleration during a good punch,
//followed by massive deceleration at the end of the punch.
//This happens within a fairly small window of time, so it's
//pretty easy to distinguish a punch from normal gesticulations.

unsigned long punchStart = 0;//variable for non-blocking punch timeframe check
const long punchInterval = 200;//timeframe of a punch in ms, from max acceleration to max deceleration, 200 is very generous
int punchAccel = 20;//the beginning of a punch in m/s^2, could be over 50m/s^2 depending on the puncher
int punchDecel = -40;//the end of a punch in m/s^2, could be less than -100m/s^2 depending on the puncher
int flameTime = 250;//how long the flame lasts, in ms

void setup(void) {
//Test to see if accelerometer is communicating
Serial.println("LIS3DH test!");
if (! lis.begin(0x18)) { // change this to 0x19 for alternative i2c address
Serial.println("Couldnt start");
while (1);
Serial.println("LIS3DH found!");

lis.setRange(LIS3DH_RANGE_16_G); //+-16G range for good punch detection
Serial.print("Range = "); Serial.print(2 << lis.getRange());

pinMode(8, OUTPUT); //Solenoid valve
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //Arc lighter
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);

void loop() {;
sensors_event_t event;

//look for punch starting, at least 20 m/s^2
if (event.acceleration.x > punchAccel){
punchStart = millis();

unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

//look for punch ending, less than -40 m/s^2
if (event.acceleration.x < punchDecel && currentMillis - punchStart < punchInterval){

void Fire(int flameTime){
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);

When you see a "No such file or directory" error it almost always means you need to install the library that contains the missing file.

Often the code you're compiling will come with documentation (either a comment or separate document) that tells you where to get the library dependencies.

In other cases the author of the code will not have been so kind and you'll need to go on a hunt for the missing library.

A good place to start is the Arduino IDE's Library Manager:

  • Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries...
  • In the "Filter your search..." box, type some keywords you have gleaned from the missing file name.
  • Scroll through the results for the right library. Click on it.
  • Click "Install".
  • Wait for installation to finish.
  • Click "Close".
  • Try compiling your code again.

If you have no luck in Library Manager then load up your favorite search engine and do a search for the missing filename. You will often get multiple results. If you have a lot of results you might add "arduino" as an additional search keyword. I will usually prefer results on since that is where most Arduino libraries are hosted and downloading from there is fast and easy. In some cases there will be multiple libraries that contain the given filename and you'll need to do some evaluation to determine which seems the most appropriate, then try it out. After downloading the library you found you'll need to install it. This requires a different process than the Library Manager installation. You will find instructions here: