I purchased five arduino wifi modules – and 5 arduinos to go with them - for a project that I'm doing at the moment. While three of them work as expected, two of them are not working. I've flashed them with the latest firmware - and they flash just like the three that work. I've swapped them to the other arduinos and they still don't work. When I say they don't work, I mean that I don't get past the following code on the two wifi modules with:
if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD)
Serial.println("WiFi shield not present");
If I don't have the jumper from pin 3 to pin 7 I do get "WiFi shield not present".
Any suggestions? Or should I just return them to where I got them and get replacements?
- EDIT -
Not sure if this was the right place for this question... If it's not - sorry...