It's just one of those days. We're sorry, but something went wrong

This message has been coming for several days. Anyone who knows, please advise how to fix it. Thank you.

"It's just one of those days.
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
Have you tried reloading the page? If this is taking too long you can write us on the Forum or check the Status page." works for me. Check your internet connection?

Thank you friend

After I tried to test the internet connection, the router in the house chose 2G and everything returned to normal.

Before that, 5G was not available.

Your topic has been moved. Please do not post in "Uncategorized"; see the sticky topics in Uncategorized - Arduino Forum.

I have assumed that you had problems accessing the forum.

This issue is not fixed yet can anyone fix it contact support team very long time to reply

To be honest, I have no idea what you're talking about. If you provide more details somebody might be able to help (like which web page you try to access, browser and operating system used).

You can contact Arduino using the contact form: