

I'm a happy user of jamvm (the small JVM port, version 1.6); I understood that it was a dead project (no further development) until I stumbled upon their web site: http://http://jamvm.sourceforge.net/ and read that there is a version 2.0 available (also for the MIPS processor family); the advantages of this version are a) OpenJDK support) b) Java version 1.6, 1.7 and even the new 1.8 support c) a lot of bug fixes. Especially option a) is of interest because previously jamvm only supported GNU's 'classpath' of the core Java classes and that set of classes has lots of bugs and is only up to date until Java 1.5. My question is: will this updated version of jamvm be available for the Yun? And, if so, when? I'm waiting as fast as I can :wink: The availability of this new version would certainly be an improvement for the Yun ...

kind regards,


You may open an issue on the packages repository at GitHub - arduino/openwrt-packages-yun
However, the fastest way to have this included is to provide the updated Makefile yourself
openwrt-packages-yun/Makefile at master · arduino/openwrt-packages-yun · GitHub

Thanks for the link; I opened an issue, because unfortunately I can't build this new jamvm version myself (my Linux (Mint) box is severely broken :frowning:

kind regards,


I have a question: last week I posted an issue (which is all I can do now because the hardware of my Linux laptop is completely broken) and now what? Do I have to wait until somebody picks up my issue?

kind regards,


Yes, that's how it works

Ah, ok, thanks for the information; I'll keep an eye on that site and wait until my new laptop arrives (the old one is a goner). I would really like that new version of jamvm available for the Yun because that 'classpath' thing is full of bugs and quite outdated ...

kind regards,


Ah, ok, thanks for the information; I'll keep an eye on that site and wait until my new laptop arrives (the old one is a goner). I would really like that new version of jamvm available for the Yun because that 'classpath' thing is full of bugs and quite outdated ...

kind regards,


Yun's classpath version is 0.98, Release date is 05 Feb 2009.


But latest classpath is 0.99, Release date is 3/16/12.


I am able compile classpath 0.99...


To make JamVM 2.0.0 work with openJDK 6, 7 and 8 (the latest). The openJDK 6, 7 and 8 have to be cross compiled for Yun.

I am only able compile JamVM 2.0.0 with GNU classpath but not with openJDK.

I guess it is time to ask help from upstream.



@Sonnyyu: classpath 0.99 is only Java 1.5 compliant (sort of) while classpath 0.98 is mostly Java 1.4 compliant; both versions of Java are long dead while OpenJDK supports even the latest Java 1.8 version. Jamvm 2.0 can run it, that's why I am so eager to have it available for the Yun.

kind regards,

