I'm having a bit of trouble with my latest project. It is a mini autonomous car that can maneuver around obstacles and stop when it gets too close to a wall. Everything works great, but the speed of the brushed DC geared motor is much lower than normal. I have been using a single transistor to control the motor's speed in one direction, but I wanted it to be able to have reverse, so I decided to use the l293D motor driver IC chip. I am not using the shield but using the chip itself. All of the car's electronics run off of a 3.7V lithium-ion battery. (I have a dc-dc booster to step 3.7V up to 5V for the Arduino and ultrasonic distance sensors.) The battery has been charged several times, and the voltage of the battery is normal. Do you guys have any thoughts on why the L293D may be lowering the speed of the motor? (If it is the driver, that is...)
Thanks in advance,
P.S. I don't know if these will help, but I have attached a few photos for reference:
The main issue is the motor driver combined with the motor voltage.
Either go for a MOSFET based drive or make a separate motor supply of some 6, 7 volts.
The motor You have uses up to 6 volts. I suggest get a power supply of some 8 volts. Using 2* 3.7 volt accs giving 7.4 volt ought to work.
Designing Your own MOSFET driver might be easy if the motor only runs in one direction. Else, go for a ready built driver.
Anyway, You need to use a better motor power supply.
Yes, I am aware of this, although I didn't realize that the drop was so big. Anyways, I used the driver I had lying around, but if I make a batter/different project, I will use some of Pololu's drivers.