Recently I got a L298n H-bridge, which did not come with jumpers attached nor in the package. I've been looking into different forums/sites to see if I do need these. I've learned that if I do or do not attach the jumpers, I could potentially harm my arduino(UNO). Can someone please explain to me if I don't or do need to attach these jumpers, or if it's even necessary to attach them? Also can someone tell me the specific name of these jumpers and if I can buy them or not?
We have no info on your specific H-bridge - please provide full information of all hardware you refer to in a question.
What motor are you driving with the L298? Often people buy those ancient and inefficient motor drivers and use them for inappropriate purposes such as stepper motor drivers or driving motors that demand too much current or for battery powered devices.
@MarkT and @groundFungus questions are very important for good advice, but considering that it´s your first post (welcome by the way!), I will assume that you´re a begginer and give you general answer, which you can also easily obtain Googling tutorials on the L298N board.
This module has 3 jumpers. InA, InB and Regulator.
If you use the jumpers on InA and InB, you will set the motors A and B able, with full speed. If you don´t use the jumpers, both motors will be disabled but, in this case, you can connect the outter pins to a PWM capable port of Uno and control the speed of the motors using analogWrite() function.
The Regulator jumper (if connected) activates the voltage regulator that provides 5V voltage to the 5V logic on the L298N circuit, from the higher voltages applied to +12V of L298N board . So you can:
a) feed the board with 7,4 to 12V, use the jumper and let the regulator provide 5V to the logic circuitry.
b) feed the board with 4,5 to 6V, do not use the jumper and feed the circuitry (+5V of L298N) with 5V incoming from Arduino.
- It´s recommended to provide separate power trunks for the motors and the Arduino card. (EDIT: Arduino is not a power provider. Feeding +5V L298N with 5V incoming from Arduino will turn on L298N board but will not be enough to move the motors).
- for (b) I´m considering that you´re using the most common 3-6V DC motors. Heavier motors will not work with 4,5V.
Thank you so much! Also, when you say 7,4(4,5) you mean 7 or 4(4 or 5) right?
No, 7,4V is the result of 2x 18650 batteries (2x 3,7 V).
4,5V is the result of 3x AA batteries (3x 1,5V).
Alright thank you!
Thanks so much for the link to the jumpers! Also the motors that I was using with the L298n were gearbox DC motors
To adequately describe a motor you need to include, at a minimum, the rated voltage of the motor and the motor stall (locked rotor) current. You need to know those things to be able to wisely choose a motor driver and power supply.
The L298 is not an appropriate driver for a modern bipolar stepper motor.
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