L298N Motor Driver at BOTH directions?

Hey all!

I want to drive 2 very small cheap dc motors (those that come with arduino kit -> Free-run current @ 3V: 150mA, Stall current @3V:2100 mA), with L298N.

I don't know if the L298N is the appropriate tool to drive that kind of small motors but that's what I have at the moment.

I understood the circuit of L298N and how to connect the fly-back diodes, however in the datasheet it recommends "2 A Fast diodes", but only I have " 1A 40V Schottky" diodes. Will they do the job?

Also, more importantly, I want to be able to run the motors at BOTH directions. So will I need different diodes for this job?

Lastly, say that I power the motors (Vs of L298N) with 3Volts. Then the R sense resistor of the L298N how much it needs to be?

Thanks in advance!

schottky diodes are the fastest, they are majority carrier devices, not minority carrier like pn-junction

The whole point of an H-bridge like the 298 is to drive motors in either direction. Just add the diodes
where indicated and it will work.

The L298 has a minimum operating voltage, check it, and you mustn't power the motor with a lower voltage
than the logic supply or internally the chip takes power from the logic supply to the motor.