Questions on l298n motor driver. Set up is as follows:
2 motors with it's own 7.4 volt battery supply
2560 mega board powered by 9 volt battery or USB port
l298n has 5 led lights 1-- marked 5 volt and 4 marked L1--L2--L3--L4
On the back of it there is + terminal and - terminal that are hooked to the 7.4 battery plus one terminal marked 5 volt
On the front are 6 pins marked 5 volt--ground--IN1--IN2--IN3--IN4
Wire 5 volt pin on back to 5 volt pin on the 2560
wire from - terminal on back to grd on 2560
Wire on front 5 volt to 5 volt pin on 2560
GRN to GRN pin on 2560
IN1 to pin 5 on 2560
IN2 to pin 6 on 2560
IN3 to pin 9 on 2560
IN4 to pin 11 on 2560
When I first power up the 2560 the 5 volt led on the l298n comes on and stays on and the leds marked L1 to L4 flash and then go out.
I started by testing both motors by jumping on the terminal on the back of the l298n ( worked great)
Next I took a jumper wire from the 5 volt pin on the 2560 and touched each of the pins marked LN1 to LN4, as I touched each pin the led for that pin lighted up and the motor turned ( forward/back/left/right)
Next I unplugged ( 1 by 1) the wires from the 2560, when I pulled the wire from pin 5--6--9--11 the led on the l298n came on the the motor turned.
BUT no motor movement when I move the joystick.
I don't think is a programing problem. I went on the old stand by (youtube) and it appears that all of the leds should stay lit when powered up.
I'm I wrong/did I get a bad L298n/ did I short some thing out ????????????