
Hello, all.

This past weekend I visited (again!) my favorite electronics junkyard here in Phoenix, Apache Reclamation and Electronics. While I was there, I picked up a few parts after rummaging thru several parts bins. I was able to find spec sheets for the MOSFETs I picked up (10 pcs of MTP3055E - unfortunately not logic level - but they were only 75 cents each, so meh - maybe I can use them somewhere). However, I am having trouble with another part, a particular version of the L298 h-bridge driver.

All I can seem to find online for a spec sheet are the same-ole' ST L298 spec sheet PDF, which talks about the L298N, L298HN, and L298P. I have 5 pcs of L298N (yay), and 5 pcs of L298V (?).

I can't locate a spec sheet for the L298V specifically, and the ST spec sheet says nothing about it; both look the same otherwise (multiwatt 15 vertical package with the staggered leads). Is there any difference between the two I should know about, or can I treat it just like an L298N?

Thanks, guys!


Well, while that wasn't a datasheet, it had enough specs that comparing it to the ST datasheet for the 298N, it seems pretty much the same.

Thank you.
