I Have a Langevin Bolt-on Ultrasonic Transducer which has a 40Khz frequency, Can arduino detect the frequency of my transducer? If yes, How?
Got a link to the device?
Post a link to the transducer.
An Arduino can be interfaced to an inexpensive ultrasonic transducer, like the ones used in the HC-SR04 range finder, and used to measure the output frequency of your gizmo.
But that frequency is usually fixed by the manufacturer, so what is the actual purpose of the project?
In my understanding, The langevin Bolt-on Ultrasonic Transducer's frequency can be adjusted from 0 to 40Khz max by using a potentiometer, So the purpose of the project is to determine the frequency being generated by the transducer. Can arduino do this? Can arduino be a vibration sensor?
Lot's of examples to try out.
The max output is 40khz?
Where did you get this information from?
I can see no potentiometer on the PCB in your link.
The frequency is set by the component values fitted to the PCB.
There are two frequency variants, 28kHz and 40kHz.
The frequency of the PCB is indicated at the top left hand corner.
Yes, in the PCB there is no potentiometer but it can be connected from PCB to the transducer
It is not feasible using such a potentiometer with a 100W device.
Here you can see
the circuit
That 11 second video makes no claim that the frequency is being varied.
The potentiometer is not connected between the output of the PCB and the ultrasonic transducer.
The potentiometer appears to be controlling a lamp dimmer/motor speed controller adjusting the input voltage to the PCB. (Which is not the same PCB as the one in your first link).
It is more likely that it is the amplitude of vibration that is being altered, as indicated by the debris rattling round inside the transducer finally jumping out.
If you do this, and the potentiometer doesn't explode, the best thing you'll do is vary the intensity of the sound, never the frequency.
The frequency of these "ultrasonic generator power drive boards" is adjusted at the "factory" and does not allow for variations.
If you understand electronics, below is a schematic of a generic "ultrasonic generator power drive board".
The frequency is generated by the control (driver) board. The transducer changes the electrical impulses into physical vibrations.
Can you teach me how?
Can I have a study proving these sir? About on how it cant be changed in frequency because it is already fixed by the manufacturer?
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