Language Translation


I come from a CS background, I am new to Arduino development. I have a Node.js REST API that can return a translated word based on the input word and the source language, as well as the specified target language. I am wondering if it is feasible to integrate this with my Arduino?

I am picturing the following. A manual input can trigger the target language, and then some sort of a microphone input listens for a word. I send the word and the target language through a REST client such as GitHub - csquared/arduino-restclient: Arduino RESTful HTTP Request Library, and receive a response from my server.

I then display the translated word back to the user via a visual output.

Does this sound like a feasible project idea?

Thanks for all the help in advance.


By the way, my main concern here is performing the speech-to-text conversion to get the word in the first place. I have looked into GitHub - arjo129/uSpeech: Speech recognition toolkit for the arduino, but I'm not sure how reliable the library is and also how the hardware side of things will work.

Or does the Arduino even have enough RAM to hold one English word worth of raw audio input? Could that be an issue?

I'd use e.g. a Rasberry Pi, whose sound chip can sample the speech with the required frequency and resolution, and enough RAM to hold the raw data.