LCD 16x2 display only showing a blue screen

hello! i am serph0n, and am new to arduino and the forums itself. i am working on a lcd display code with a water sensor and a led light. for some reason, the 16x2 lcd display only displays a bright blue screen with nothing on it, and a white light behind it. i am pretty sure i got all the wiring correct for the pins, as corresponding to the code.
any help would be appreciated!

Why not let us in on the wiring you have connected, post a schematic, not a frizzy thing. Show power supplies etc and all connections. Include links for each hardware device. Your problem could be as simple as you need to adjust the contrast, you do have a pot for that?

You've not provided enough information for anyone to give a realistic answer.

However given what you have, I would recommend:

  1. Check your connections, solderless breadboards (if that is what you are using) are notorious for bad connections.

  2. Remove everything except the arduino and LCD.

  3. Verify your LCD library supports your LCD

  4. Try the example code that comes with most drivers to see if you can get control of the display.

  5. verify your transmitting speed meats the LCD default setting(s).

thanks for the quick response! it appears that my module is a 1602 module, and the codes were not for that. thanks!

If you see nothing at all on the LCD, then almost certainly you have not set the contrast control correctly.

A useful hint. Do not connect the 10k contrast potentiometer to 5 V - just leave that end unconnected (or tie it to the wiper, or if using a 10k potentiometer, tie it to the other end)!

This is just a silly mistake that has become ingrained in hobby (and no doubt, some professional) designs since the "early days". Not connecting it to 5 V makes contrast setting twice as easy! Using a 1k pot makes it even easier. If using a 10k pot, you can connect both ends to ground.

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