LED won't turn on, help please

You need to put the leg of the resistor in the same row as the LED.

And the LED has to be the right way around (correct polarity). There should be a flat on the bottom edge of the LED, that is the ground side. And one leg should be longer than the other, that is the plus side.


What is the value of the resistor?

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It's 220


I can't tell for sure, but is that the flat on the body of the LED? If so the LED is backwards. The flat is the negative or ground side.

Yea I checked, that's the negative side.

So you have the wrong way around?

Did you turn the LED around 180 degrees? Did it work?

After flipping it and checking again still doesn't seem to be turning on, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Sorry, I meant that's what the arrow was pointing to.

A Close up

Remove the LED from the breadboard, rotate it 180 degrees (1/2 turn) and plug it back into the breadboard so that the side with the flat is on the ground (blue stripe) side (left in the photo).

It still doesn't seem to be turning on.

Try a different LED. Make sure that it is oriented properly.

That's all I got.

Do you have a meter (DMM)? Are you sure that the breadboard is getting power?

I tried a blue one and another red and it seems to be the same results.

I don't have one on me as of now but tomorrow morning I am going to get one and try to see if it works.

OMG... this isn't that hard. @groundFungus told you EXACTLY what to do in post #2 Please read that post slowly... and make your circuit looks like the one in that post.

I finally got it working! I made a mistake with the new LED (I am very sorry) but with the previous red one, it wasn't working at all.

Thank you two very much! :pray: Sorry if this was an inconvenience.

No problem. We all started out from the same place. We are here to help you learn (and sometimes we learn in the process).

You will find that attention to detail is really important in this endeavor.