Bought a new Leonardo board and 2x16 I2C LCD with backpack few days ago. Installed latest soft and connected to laptop with 64bit Windows 7. Windows installs drivers and Windows Device Manager shows new arduino device at COM8 port. All looks good.
Then I run a L led blinking test. Upload works well and sketch starts automatically when pressed reset button or connected board to USB. Then I got my new LCD connected and work with help of internet sources. It was not easy. I run a few test sketches and LCD seems to work as expected. Only one time Windows lost my arduino board on Device Manager, restarting of Windows helps.
I started my first sketch and working on it at some point sketch does not start automatically anymore when made reset or connected board to USB. Upload works fine and freshly uploaded sketch starts normally. I worked with sketch this way. But connecting to USB or to external power supply (12VDC 400mA center pin +) will not start sketch automatically and at some point Windows does not recognize it at all - no beep on connecting to USB or recognize in device manager. I tried all suggestion wound in internet sources with no success. I can't connect to board with IDE when it does not recognized by windoes any more.
I does not connect any wires or jumpers to board other than LCD and external power supply all this time before problems began. I just worked with my sketch and it does it work as expected when uploaded to board. Now board seems dead. What I doing wrong? I'm little frustrated.
When you connect USB with LCD connected any IC get overheated???
Also calculate power consumed by 16X2 LED. Contrast part make short some time so be careful. use some fixed resistor 10k or 1k.
I recommend first test lenardo board with blink program without connecting anything. If ok, then problem might due to the variable resistance you might added.
I dont know which version of lenardo using,
When you connect USB with LCD connected any IC get overheated???
Also calculate power consumed by 16X2 LED. Contrast part make short some time so be careful. use some fixed resistor 10k or 1k.
I recommend first test lenardo board with blink program without connecting anything. If ok, then problem might due to the variable resistance you might added.
Thanks for a reply! The board is Leonardo R3, brand new, bought from local shop few days ago. I have not touched any chip when it worked with LCD, but no burning smell. If problems have started, I removed LCD immidiately and left only board to USB cable. It does not change anything. Led blink test works as expected before problems started. Now I can not upload led blink test. When problems started, I just worked with my sketch, editing it and uploading to test.
edit: on normal working condition connecting board to USB makes onboard leds few times to blink and windows recognize device, making 2 tones. Now "On" and "L" leds just turn on and no any reaction from windows side. Tested on all USB 2.0 ports on different computers and different USB cables.
I have exactly the same behaviour from my Leonardo.
Not sure how I killed it.
Thought it was caused by uploading a sketch when the wrong board type was selected but that seems unlikely.
I've tried to re-flash it with an Uno as an ISP programmer, no help. (not sure it really worked, but it did look like it was transferring data.)
When I power connect the Leonardo I get the L and ON light lit continuously.
no program seems to load.
the PC does not detect the USB device at all (no ding sound, nothing in the device manager)
When I hit the reset button the Leonardo, the L light goes out, and does not come on again.
My Leonardo board lives its own life too
Seems to me the board got AI and rejects any attempts to upload any code into it.
Nothing less than, the Rise of the Machines
Please tell me why so many stupid problems with driver for Leonardo under Windows? Is it too complicated to fix and compile driver for modern operating systems? Why not to sign driver?
All questions and posts related to Arduino under Troubleshooting hive are problems with driver installation in Windows... And so many helpful solutions... says to me:
!!! dvi: Device not started: Device has problem: 0x34: CM_PROB_UNSIGNED_DRIVER.