Libararies location question

Using Arduino IDE 2.0.0, and installing libraries from or with library manager, where are the libraries installed to.

I ask because when I used Arduino 1.8 something my libraries in linux are \home\sketchbook\libraries.
Now I am using Arduino 2.0.0 and when I install a library using library manager, I don't see it in my library folder, although it has been installed. When I search for fastled.h, it only finds older versions from 2018.

Hi @avalon66. The libraries are saved to the libraries subfolder of your sketchbook folder, just as in Arduino IDE 1.x.

The reason you are not finding them in the previous location is because you have a different sketchbook location configured in Arduino IDE 2.x than you did in Arduino IDE 1.x.

Arduino IDE 1.x and 2.x have separate preference stores, so Arduino IDE 2.x uses the default preferences when you first install it. The defaults are the same between both versions, so those who were using all defaults in Arduino IDE 1.x won't be impacted, but anyone with customized preferences in Arduino IDE 1.x will need to manually set the same in Arduino IDE 2.x if they want the identical configuration of both.

The default sketchbook location in Arduino IDE 2.x on Linux is ~/Arduino, so the libraries are being installed under ~/Arduino/libraries

I'll provide instructions for changing the sketchbook location in case you want to use the custom location as in Arduino IDE 1.x:

  1. Select File > Preferences... from the Arduino IDE menus.
  2. Click the Browse button to the right of the "Sketchbook location" field.
  3. Select the folder you want to use as a sketchbook from the "Select new sketchbook location" dialog.
  4. Click the Choose button in the "Select new sketchbook location" dialog.
  5. Click the OK button in the "Preferences" dialog.
  6. Select File > Quit from the Arduino IDE menus.
  7. Start the Arduino IDE again.

All you previously installed libraries will now be recognized by the Arduino IDE and Library Manager will install libraries to the previous location. Please note that you will either need to redo the installations of the libraries you did in Arduino IDE 2.x before you changed the sketchbook location, or else manually copy the contents of ~/Arduino/libraries to the new libraries location.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.

Thanks, that has helped me.

You are welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance.


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