Planning on using a keypad and an i2c adaptor as shown.
Which library would be the best for this arrangement.?
Also wondering if there is an example either for Keypad or the interface as I could not find any in the IDE examples
Planning on using a keypad and an i2c adaptor as shown.
Which library would be the best for this arrangement.?
Also wondering if there is an example either for Keypad or the interface as I could not find any in the IDE examples
Perhaps this will help you. I2C Libraries
The joeyoung repo looks good with examples
Yes...already did that and that's how I ended up here.
How do you mean?
Planning on using a keypad and an i2c adaptor as shown.
What is the project?
That keypad does not need I2C comms.
google arduino keypad
google arduino I2C
Thanks.. Tom..
Thanks Tom,
I build miniature 4 stroke engines and obtaining correct size/number of valve springs always seems difficult in Aus at least.
So the project is the beginnings of the design for a winder to wind both compression and, once I get over that hurdle, eventually for extension also.
Currently do it by hand which is fine but hands don't always work like they used to and anyhow I would like to expand my learning with Arduino as well.
The way I have started to write the program, it seems there will be many button inputs to set the winder parameters and I can already see myself running out of inputs on the Uno at least.
I've seen many instances of using add-on devices through the i2c bus and thought well, why not for the switches.
So I thought perhaps the i2c and keypad (or indeed existing buttons) arrangement might be a better alternative to this allbeit having to re-write that which works so far.
Once setup, there is not a lot going on ( latter not yet written).
Watch the main spindle which is a dc motor/ gearbox drive with an encoder to give (say) 600 pulses per revolution, compare this to a pre-set pitch and advance a stepper drive on the 1.0mm pitch wire feed screw.
Note that I am aware there is some cleaning up to do ..........
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4);
int potVal = 0; // variable to store the Spindle Motor speed pot value
int newVal = 0; // variable to hold pot value divided by 4 to get correct range for PWM
int minSpeed = 4; // set minimum motor speed
int sw = 100; // switch delay time 500mSec
const int speedSet = A0; // pot input to set the speed of the Spindle Motor
const int speedSense = 2; // Spindle Motor speed sensor pin (interrupt)
const int Sw1 = 3; // SET lngth 1.0 (Length of Spring)
const int Sw2 = 4; // SET lngth 0.1
const int Sw3 = 5; // RE-SET lngth
const int Sw4 = 6; //SET wd(wire diameter)
const int Sw5 = 7; //RE-SET wd
const int Sw6 = 8; // SET numCoils(number of coils......EXCLUDING 2 Starter turns each end)
const int Sw7 = 9; // RE-SET numCoils
const int Sw8 = 11; // PROGRAM Switch
const int Sw9 = 12; // START button
const int motorPin = 10; // analogWrite pin for motor mosfet.........this is Spindle Drive Motor
float lngth = 0.0; // store length of the spring
int numCoils = 0; // store the number of coils on the spring
float pitch = 0.0; // store pitch of spring
float wireDia = 0.0;
//int t; // turns
//float p; // pitch of coils (feed rate eventually)
//float wd; // wire diameter
void setup() {
pinMode(Sw1, INPUT_PULLUP); // lngth switches as INPUTs
pinMode(Sw2, INPUT_PULLUP); // lngth 0.1
pinMode(Sw3, INPUT_PULLUP); // reset lngth
pinMode(Sw4, INPUT_PULLUP); // wd 0.1
pinMode(Sw5, INPUT_PULLUP); // reset wd
pinMode(Sw6, INPUT_PULLUP); // number coils
pinMode(Sw7, INPUT_PULLUP); // reset number coils
pinMode(Sw8, INPUT_PULLUP); // Program switch
pinMode(speedSense, INPUT);
pinMode (motorPin, OUTPUT); // show motorPin as an OUTPUT
//Serial.begin (9600); // for testing
lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
lcd.print( "SPRING WINDER");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print(" READY to SETUP");
lcd.print ("Switch on Program Sw");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print(" In Next 10 Seconds");
if (!digitalRead(Sw8) == 1) {
lcd.setCursor (5, 1);
lcd.print(" THANKYOU");
delay (5000);
lcd.print ("L = ");
//lcd.setCursor (5, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print ("WD = ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print("Coils = ");
lcd.setCursor(14, 0);
lcd.print("IF OK");
//lcd.setCursor (12, 1);
//lcd.print ("press");
lcd.setCursor(14, 1);
lcd.setCursor(14, 3);
lcd.print ("Pitch = ");
lcd.print (pitch);
while (digitalRead (Sw9) == 1) {
delay (200);
while (digitalRead (Sw9) == 0) {
delay (200);
lcd.setCursor(2, 1);
lcd.print("RUNNING PROGRAM");
void loop() {
void progComp() {
// setup dimensions for the spring
// first turn on the program enable switch before 10 second time-out period
if (!digitalRead (Sw8) == 1) { // program switch set to ENABLE sizes to be input
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Length =");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Wire_Dia =");
lcd.setCursor (0, 2);
lcd.print("num_Coils = ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
lcd.print("Calc_pitch = 0");
while (!digitalRead (Sw8) == 1) { // while the program switch is in the ENABLE position, allow inputs.
// setup the length of the spring
if (!digitalRead (Sw1) == 1) lngth = lngth + 1; //input for lngth of the spring 1.0
if (!digitalRead (Sw2) == 1) lngth = lngth + 0.1; //input for lngth of the spring 0.1
lcd.setCursor(13, 0);
lcd.print(lngth, 1); // print the length of the spring
if (!digitalRead (Sw3) == 1) { // RESET to Zero lngth of the spring
lngth = 0.0;
lcd.setCursor(13, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(13, 0);
lcd.print(lngth, 1); // re-prints the zero COIL_PITCH and start again if required
// setup the wire diameter of the spring
if (!digitalRead (Sw4) == 1) wireDia = wireDia + 0.1; //input for the diameter of the wire
lcd.setCursor (13, 1);
lcd.print(wireDia, 1); // print the WIRE_DIAMETER
if (!digitalRead(Sw5) == 1) {
wireDia = 0.0;
lcd.setCursor(13, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(13, 1);
lcd.print(wireDia, 1);
// setup the number of coils of the spring
if (!digitalRead (Sw6) == 1) numCoils = numCoils + 1; // input for TURNS number
lcd.setCursor(13, 2);
lcd.print(numCoils); // print the Number of TURNS
if (!digitalRead(Sw7) == 1) {
numCoils = 0;
lcd.setCursor (13, 2);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(13, 2);
// Calculate and print the "PITCH" of the Coils
if ( numCoils > 0 && wireDia > 0 && lngth > 0) {
pitch = lngth / numCoils ;
lcd.setCursor(13, 3);
if (numCoils == 0 || lngth == 0) {
pitch = 0;
lcd.setCursor(13, 3);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(13, 3);
lcd.print (pitch);
}//End of setUp "while"
} // End of setUp "if"
//numCoils = t; // add value "t" to a meaningful name variable for later use
//Pitch = p; // add value "p" to a meaningful name variable for later use
// wireDia = wd; // add value to meaningful name variable for later use
delay (100);
void start() {
lcd.setCursor(7, 1);
void motorSpeed() {
// set the main Spindle motor speed via Pot and PWM
potVal = analogRead(speedSet); // read and store speed pot input value
newVal = potVal / 4; // write the value /4 to get the change in range of the pot (0-1023) to analogWrite(0-255)
if (newVal < minSpeed) newVal = minSpeed; //minimum speed setting for the spindle motor
analogWrite(motorPin, newVal);