I'm a new user to the Arduino/Digilent uC32 board. I am looking for the correct IO shield libraries to load into the Arduino IDE to recognize the uC32 board. Can someone provide me a link. Thanks
Will this help? Or did you do that step already? Installing the Digilent Core for Arduino - Digilent Reference
Hello sterretje,
Thank you for your help. I followed the link instructions and now I have in the top tool bar window "chipKit uC32 at Com5".
The pull down menu's are a little different. I have an Adafrute 2.8" display plugged into the uC32. I have opened the project "OLEDDemo' OLED Display demo. Compiling or uploading I get the error "2 UNKNOWN" exit status 255. I also noticed the file extensions are two type "INO and PDE" Does this make a difference. ".pde' is an older version. Does this have to be converted?
Looks like you're using IDE 2.0. Is there a specific reason for that? It's a beta and the error message is not very useful. I suggest that you use IDE 1.8.x
One difference between pde and ino is that libraries for the former might include a file wprogram.h which no longer exists in newer IDEs. You will have to replace that by Arduino.h in the libraries.
Hello sterretje,
You are correct, I was using Arduino IDE 2.0 Bata. I installed Arduino 1.8.15 and configured preferences to Digilent core for uC32 board and loaded OLED example. The OLED.zip was unzipped in the project folder "c:\workspace\ARD1-8_Proj" which matches the sketchbook location. I'm getting an error on the #include <OLED.h> file. "No such file or directory". The 'OLED.h' file is in the example directory. Is there a specific location or configuration to find this file?
I suggest that you undo that and next use sketch -> include library -> add .zip library in the IDE to install the library.
Where did you get the library from? Link please.
Hello sterretje,
Digilent Web site: Physical Design Resources 'PmodOLED.zip'
Please provide a direct link to the zip. I did not see it
Hello sterretje,
I added the zip file libraries and opened the Demo program.
I get a compile error looking for plib.h
c:\workspace\ARD1-8_Proj\libraries\OLED\ChrFont0.cpp:52:19: fatal error: plib.h: No such file or directory.
Where do I get this peripheral library? Is the micro-chip plib.h compatible with Arduino? Or does Arduino have it's own plib.h file?
This Digilent demo should work with the Adafruit 2.8" TFT Touch Shield 1947.
Link to Digilent Physical Design Resource 'PmodOLED' about right side half way down
Probably on the Digilent site.
I've never heard of plib; it might be the peripheral library for the uC32 that I saw on the Digilent website but after that I'm lost,
Hello sterretje
How do you edit the compiler search path? I would like to add a search path to the Microchip libraries.
I found the <plib.h> file in the Microchip sub-directory's and copied it over to my project library directory and was able to compile with a different error looking for <adc10.h>.
Did you find the Zip file on the Digilent web site?
After I ran 'sketch -> include library -> add 'OLED.zip'' it created the directory libraries/OLED.
I placed the plib.h in the OLED directory to get it to compile.
Is this correct for the project?
I don't know; I don't know how the setup for the uC32 is. If it takes the error away, it might not be perfect but I don't think you care. In the Arduino world libraries are usually inside the libraries directory so probably it is supposed to look like
+--- oled
| |
| +--- one or more files (.cpp, .h)
+--- plib
| |
| +--- one or more files (.cpp, .h)
As said, I got lost
Digilent has their own forum: https://forum.digilentinc.com/ ; maybe somebody there can help.
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