LILYPAD stk500_recv(): programmer is not respond

I'm still trying to get my lilypad working. I'm running it through an arduino NG board (minus the avr). I've put an LED on pin 13 which flashed the first time I pressed the reset button only (since then not). when I try to load the blink programme I get the error code: stk500_recv(): programmer is not respond (and it's not working).

I'm running a mac with OSX 10.4.8
Arduino 10 (0010 Alpha)
I've hooked everything up just like in the picture on the arduino site (and triple-checked that connections are good and there are no shorts)
and lilypad is checked in tools, as is tty.usb
I doubt the board's fried as I just opened up a new one with the same result (I'd have to be pretty unlucky)

any help appreciated.


OK, so there's actually an LED on the LilyPad that will flash when you press the reset switch that's on the LilyPad. Pressing the reset switch on the NG won't do anything, because that switch isn't connected to the reset pin on the LilyPad... Double check your power, ground, tx & rx connections, then press the reset switch on the LilyPad (& see it flash) and download your Arduino program. I'm working on a step-by-step tutorial that you can preview here: This should be helpful. Good luck! I'll keep in touch to help troubleshoot if you keep having problems.


hi leah, thanks, but the problem remains.

the reset button I'm pressing is on the lilypad not the arduino. and I've checked and double-checked all connections with a multimeter and they're all good and there are no shorts. Good to know the lilypad has an led on pin13 - I added another as I wasn't sure (and not a lot of flashing was going on)

next step I decided to change OS. this morning I'm on a PC, running windows XP

I tried with both lilypads (one after the other) with the same result: upload commenced but i received the same error as on the Mac OSX (ppc):

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51

I can try on an intel mac later, but I'm not sure it will make any difference as the error's the same on both OS tried so far - mac(ppc) running osX10.4 and the PC running windows XP

any comments or help you can offer much appreciated.
fyi I've used arduino quite a bit and am familiar with the environment on both mac and windows
I also have quite a lot of experience with physical computing - designing and building electronic circuits, both soft and traditional (hard)


hmm... OK so, first of all, are you getting blinking on your LilyPad when you hit the reset switch and + & - are connected? If you're not then either + & - aren't hooked up properly or the LilyPad is dead. If you previously got a blink but now you're not getting one, then there is likely a short in your setup & you are probably frying the lilypads &/or other things... Make sure there are no shorts & make sure the lilypad is getting power: measure across + & - on the LilyPad & you should see 5 volts.

If you are getting a blink, try clicking upload in the Arduino IDE before you hit the reset switch during the programming process. This will give you a little more time for communication.

If this doesn't help, it's got to be some problem with your setup. I know it's a pain, but just go through your setup from scratch & check everything again. Did you install the drivers properly? Are you sure you've selected LilyPad in the boards menu? Are you sure that the NG AVR chip is out of the board? Are you sure you have the right serial port selected? Are you sure you haven't accidentally swapped tx & rx in your LilyPad hookup? Try swapping them just to double check. Is there possibly a short on your NG board? Also check out Lady Ada's excellent troubleshooting advice here: Arduino Tutorial - Learn electronics and microcontrollers using Arduino!

fyi - I know that Arduino 10.0 & lilypad work on mac 10.4 ppc... I'm running it on 10.4.11 & everything's OK... Good luck!


new guide for attaching the lilypad can be found here. this should help with any confusion people have been having about TX/RX issues.

can you post again that link please? Is broken and im going crazy with tx and rx issues.
I got my lilipad like 3 months ago but now im having this crazy issue...

main tutorial page is now here:

and attachment information is now here (including a link to older attachment info which is probably what you want):

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I'm having this exact same problem. I even have the LilyPad USB link; when I plug it all in, it looks exactly like the picture at the top of the attachment tutorial page. The computer finds the hardware okay, the drivers installed fine, I tried running FTClean and reinstalling (though still only one COM port appears under Tools in the Arduino IDE), but I still can't uplodad a program to the LilyPad. I tried hitting the reset button right after the upload button as suggetsed above, no luck. Any other ideas?

Edit: okay, it just occurred to me to ask: is the color of the USB link board relevant? The one pictured in the tutorials is green, but mine is red.

Ooh ooh ooh, I fixed it! :smiley: Okay, nothing was actually broken, but I figured it out. For future Googlers who find this thread: what worked for me was to click the Upload button in the software, wait about two seconds, then hold down the reset button the LilyPad for about two seconds. That lets the program load just fine.