This is my first topic and I'm sorry if it is wrong category for my topic. Please, move it to proper category if you can.
I'm completely new in arduino. I started with my project, because I need some regulator for my heater of boiler (3000W). I found some solutions for my problem in network, but not exactly can adjust to my situation and that kind of large power of device.
I use arduino uno board and SSR (80A) with radiator and fan. I share some picture to show how I connected it.
To communicate my components I wrote very simple code. I practically use only one statement. In setup function I use analogWrite function:
analogWrite(BOILER_PIN, mapf(1200,0,MAX_POWER,0,255));
The BOILER_PIN is my digital pin in schema. The mapf function is a little modificated map function from arduino documentation. It is used specially for floats:
float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
The MAX_POWER is the 3000 value (max W of heater). Two last parameters of mapf function said of the limit of the mapf function return value. That value is pass to second analogWrite function parameter.
Project actions are very strange. I would assume, my program set heater to 1200W and it will heat water in only 40% effectivity, so the water reaches same temperature much more time longer. Meanwhile, when I launch my project, power of heater changed every second (or even faster) from about 0 to about 3000 and from about 3000 to about 0 and again and again. Power of heater is not constant. The symptom is similar to the device resetting or restarting. That symptom I can better observe with digital multimeter connected to same phase of AC socket. The voltage then change and jump very quickly and differs every second about 15 or 20 volts. I would imagine that voltage in socket will change from e.g. 240V to 230V and not change while the arduino will be working. Situation is all the more strange, because I wrote analogWrite in setup function.
Please, help me or write any suggestions You have in mind. I only found some solution by changing frequency, but it didn't solve the problem.