Hello, just got a Yun today and got it connected to wifi no problem. It's on my LAN now and I can connect via the web browser.
I'm running Ubuntu 14.10 and got the Arduino IDE installed via apt. Issue is when I open it up, I don't see the Yun in the list of boards. Or even the ATmega32u4 board.
Any ideas what is going on? Do I need a different version of the IDE to support the Yun? This indicates that I don't need anything extra for my OS and the Yun. http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/ArduinoYun#toc12
Well, that fixed the board issue but the tools > port menu item is disabled so I can't program over the network. All ports on my desktop are open. Any ideas?
And now, mysteriously, the menu item is active and it's connected. I'm not sure what I did other than open and close the IDE and the menu item a few times.
And now, mysteriously, the menu item is active and it's connected. I'm not sure what I did other than open and close the IDE and the menu item a few times.
@i8flan, You waited time. The bootup of the Yun can take from 2-8 minutes depending on the situation.
The following links will help. If you've watch the video and read the Resetting the processors, and you get into trouble. Use the last link.
Good Luck
Watch this video (6:53)
Getting started with Arduino Yún - tutorial