Little Weather Machine


I just got started on Arduino due to school work .
Im using a Arduino Pro Mini 5V/16MHz.

My school project demands a prototype that has the idea of an intelligent home, and the output be some sort of LED.
I was thinking the along the lines of a project that detects humidity, light and air pressure as indicators of one that detects how likely it is to rain. The more likely it is to rain, the brighter the LED, or i could use a RGB LED, with the light adjusting from one color to another to indicate how likely it is to rain.

However, being new to this, i have absolutely no idea to code, or create the circuit.
Im looking at a few sensors: - BMP085 (Barometric Pressure Sensor - BMP085 Breakout - SEN-11282 - SparkFun Electronics)

Im not too sure what kind of output these sensors give, and how would i code it such that it will give me adjustments to the brightness of the LED.
(If only all these were as simple as the LDR in which i can just design the circuit such that it works directly, but then again, what's the point of the Arduino then. Hahaha)

Im also constrained to the availability of these sensors at my place.
So it would help if the suggested sensors is available on this website:

I thank you in advance. :smiley:

I have also considered the following for simplicity.

However, what changes would it take if i were to change the eternet shield to a WiFi one?

Im looking at a few sensors: - BMP085 (

which includes a link to a sample Arduino sketch.

which also includes a link to an Arduino library.

This is NOT the homework hotline. You are expected to so some stuff yourself.

However, what changes would it take if i were to change the eternet shield to a WiFi one?

Not much. Look at the Ethernet and WiFi examples to see how similar the libraries are.