Long distance arduino to arduino wireless communication

Hello everybody,

I am trying to setup a timing system with two beams. the beams will be between 100-150 feet apart and will need to communicate one value between each other.
I am looking for suggestions on any wireless methods you may have used that will be capable of 200 feet wireless between two arduinos without issues and will have the ability to send the data from one to the other with less than 1ms delay.
We would like have the system use only as many parts as absolutely needed. Meaning that I could do two wireless shields and a router but that requires additional equipment that we do not need to have.

ISM 2.4 GHz operating frequency
XBee: 1 mW (+0 dBm) power output (up to 300 ft / 90 m RF LOS range)
XBee-PRO: 63 mW (+18 dBm) power output (up to 1 mile / 1.6 km RF LOS range)
RPSMA connector, U.FL connector, Chip antenna, or Wired Whip antenna
Industrial temperature rating (-40° C to 85° C)


The 1 ms delay requirement will make this hard with common radios.
Do you really need this degree of accuracy?

send the data from one to the other with less than 1ms delay.

Maybe having synchronized timestamps attached to the data would be an alternative to a sub-1 msec delay. I think a GPS receiver at each end would give you accurately synchronized time.


The 1 ms delay requirement will make this hard with common radios.
Do you really need this degree of accuracy?

We would really like for this to be as accurate as possible to take advantage of our sensors but if it was needed we could deal with any reasonable delay. I can deal with a delay very easily, our biggest concern is that if there is a delay that it is constant with all of the data being sent. That way it can be compensated for.

May be possible with Xbees, but theres no way to tell for sure, as the data specs for most radios dont address the
time it takes for the radio to process and actually transmit the data.
You would have to experiment with differant data payloads and actually measure the delay.
Id be inclined to simply use a hard wired connection.
The problem with any radio based solution is that they all used shared frequency bands where any interferance will
cause data loss, or variable delay time in the transmission so you wont get a guaranteed transmission time.