Looking for an experienced 3d designer


We are engaged in a project related to the development of prosthetics for the hands. We need an experienced 3D design specialist who will help us in creating detailed and functional models of prostheses.

If you are interested and ready to participate in our project, please contact us by email: muhammedjann@bk.ru . We are ready to discuss more detailed aspects of the project and the terms of cooperation.

How is your project related to Arduino?

I see you are using a website that is strictly an email service. Are you trying to hide your identity?

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Hi! I made a project using arduino. How, to make the project look good, I want to find a 3d designer.

No, it's convenient for me to send a message and an image there. I can do it here.

If my post does not meet your requirements, I can delete it. Just let me know

An experienced 3D designer will ask a few thousand dollars for prosthetic hands.
There are a number of open-source projects for prosthetic hands. It might be easier to adapt your project to one of those.

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