Matching PIN's from Old to New

Hi everyone, hoping someone can help.
I have a setup that is using a now broken display. I'm not sure of the original manufacturer as it doesn't say.

I have bought an Adafruit 1.3" Wide Angle TFT to replace it but the pin labels are different.

On the old I have cables in:

The new has

Any help would really be appreciated.


Welcome to the forum

Are you sure that the 2 displays have the same type of interface ? (SPI or I2C)

The old display has SCL and SDA pins, which means that it is an I2C interface

The new display has what looks more like SPI pin names

Please post a link to both displays or at least the new one

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Many displays use these names also for SPI.
SDA is generic for Serial Data, sometimes for input and output on same pin.
SCL is generic for Serial Clock.
If there is a DC or D/C pin, then it is for SPI, most likely
But when there is no CS pin, it looks like it is not SPI.

But the old display does not use enough pins for it to be an SPI interface unless they have gone mad with the names

@stevehunt77 Which pins on which Arduino does the old display use ?

Thanks for helping.
This is a link to the new one:

The old one has Interface SPI on it. Looking in the description of the new one it also mentions SPI.

Here is a pic of the old one.

From the site that you linked to

Finally, we found one that is SPI
So it has an SPI interface, but according to the old board it too has an SPI interface
I find that hard to believe but could still be true

Please post the details of how the old one was connected to the Arduino. Which pins on which board ?

It connects to a Nano (I don't have details of the uploaded program).

Red goes to 3v3
Black to GND
Green to D13
Blue to D11
Yellow to D10
Orange to D9

OK, that is helpful and makes it sound like an SPI interface with weird names

Try this, using the pin names printed on the back of the new board

SCK = 13
MIS = 12
MOS = 11  
SCK = 10
Vin = 5V

The current screen goes to the 3v3 Pin on the board and I have an on off switch with battery link on the 5v Pin on the nano.
So maybe I should put Red to the 3v3 of new screen?

Supplying 3.3V to the screen 3.3V pin rather than 5V to the 5V pin will be safer but may not work

Try it and see

The connections may be more complicated because the new screen has a built in SD card reader

Just wanted to confirm as you have SCK twice.
Is the second one meant to be SCS?

Whoops, my bad

Yes, I meant SCS, (Chip Select in SPI speak). I am hoping that it means Screen Chip Select
and that TCS is the Chip Select for the SD card reader but don't know the relevance of the 'T'

Ok thankyou.
Would you expect the screen to 'come to life' if just the Power & Ground are connected.
Or is this likely to need all wires in the right place to come alive?

I suppose that you might see something happen with just power and GND but nothing sensible

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