Max 30100 Not Working


I am writing to report that the Max 30100 is not working. I have tried taking out the pull-up resistors as shown in some YouTube tutorials, but the device is still not functioning. I am using esp8266 for my project.

Could you please advise on next steps for resolving this issue?

Thank you,

The next-step with any problematic sensor code, is to try different examples:
Arduino + Max 30100 + "ESP8266" at DuckDuckGo

IF you try 3 or more examples with the same results, it is likely you have a hardware problem: defective sensor, defective jumpers, defective uC ports, defective pull-up resistors, etc.

Software problems with 3rd party hardware is often the biggest concern ... non-Arduino hardware (although Espressif is a good company) is difficult to baseline. Add to that that a zillion companies put the Espressif chips of breakout boards means statistically that sooner or later someone will get a defective one.

  • I always suspect Dupont jumpers first
  • I have a $200 breadboard where an entire row is not active!
  • Normally, buying 2 of the same sensor is a recommendation if budget permits

Installation and Troubleshooting is for problems with the IDE, not for problems with (nor for advice on) your project. Hence your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum.

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