I notice that this is the second recent post on this type of display, that isn't a good sign!
I recently purchased one of these displays (I mostly chose it because it was cheap and more easily available where I live than the adafruit ones, which I would have to wait a few weeks for).
The exact display I purchased is this one:
2.4" Arduino Compatible TFT Screen
I am using an arduino nano on a breadboard, so I simply wired it up that way, instead of placing it as a shield.
I wired it up correctly, checked and double checked my wiring, and installed a few test sketches to figure out what driver I was using. It reported back that I was using "0x9341", which matches what is printed on the back.
I ran every sketch and library, and every combination thereof, and I still get a blank white screen. Currently, I am just running a very simple sketch to set the entire screen to one colour.
But, here is the interesting part. If I take the 3.3v cable from where it is plugged in on the screen (next to the 5V cable) and plug it in right next to that, on a jumper that is supposed to be empty, and then HOLD the reset button, the display works. Perfectly. Sometimes I need to fiddle with the wires a bit, but this is consistently reproducible.
My first thought was, obviously, a loose wire, but I checked and rechecked everything, I even rewired it with another arduino nano and tried that, but got the same results.
So, I am guessing, I am missing some kind of resistor divider? Or I am supplying a low voltage somewhere where it is meant to be high, or vice versa? I am guessing this is not a software issue, if I am getting the right code from the screen, and I am seeing the correct colour on the screen.
Any ideas?