this link seems to suggest that you could use a circuit to send a ping to another circuit, measure the length of time taken to receive a reply and get a result with an accuracy of +-5m
I stumbled accross this whilst playing around with two arduinos that happen to have some RF modems on them , so I thought it might be a fun experiment, but...........
I stuck a Serial.prinln(currentMillis) into my sketch and the beggining of the loop. and I let the serial monitor run for a bit, I get a 7ms loop time, with some flucuation.
meaning that in theory ( and or practice) the radio waves from my modules will have travelled (299792458/1000) per millisecond, and since the loop takes 7 times this to run, I would in no way be able to get anything useful from it.
Is there any feasibilty in using an arduino , or any microcontroller for this idea?