This arduino had been working for around 3 weeks but yesterday when i tried uploading a program it stuck at "Uploading to I/O board"
I tried uploading the Basic Blink program and it didnt work either so it is not a problem with the script.
I checked and i had my serial port selected (COM4) and my board selected (Arduino Mega 2560)
I used different cables (USB) and different USB ports
The ON led is on and the L led blinks twice when i connect the board and several times (around 5) when it starts uploading the program
My OS is windows 7 and i repeat the arduino was working perfectly until yesterday.
I have a duemilanove which I tried and is still working correctly (that one uses COM3)
I first thought that it was the arduino bootloader but the L led blinks twice when i press the reset button
any ideas??? oh and I dont have !!! anywhere in the code as i said, its the blink program (I tried other basic programs)
Thanks for your help