I really appreciate that the UNO R4 series is still 5V logic and a nice upgrade (ram & speed) compared to the R3 for my projects that I am trying to transition.
I also very much want WiFi and need BLE, but I wish there was more of a "mega" style board than just the WiFi version with the LED matrix, and the GIGA is overkill for my needs.
I was under the impression that the DUE was 3.3V logic only.
Is there a 5V version?
My primary desire was to take advantage of additional SCI interfaces if adding pins allowed for that and could be supported.
I assume there may be other features of the RA4M1 that could be utilized with more pins as well.
Yes, the spec sheet mentions Serial Communications Interface (SCI) × 4
Simple IIC
Simple SPI
At least one SCI is being used for UART.
I have been trying to get a Simple IIC on D0/D1 to replace Serial1 UART, but my knowledge is limited in how to make that work while still allowing the Serial over USB to work or not breaking anything else.
Have you checked out the chip datasheet?
The R4 WiFi data sheet mentions for Peripherals:
Capacitive Touch Sensing Unit (CTSU)
USB 2.0 Full-Speed Module (USBFS)
14-bit ADC
Up to 12-bit DAC
Operational Amplifier (OPAMP)
My question was, could a "mega" R4 WiFi enable other features beyond the additional SCI interfaces like:
Serial Sound Interface Enhanced (SSIE)
Additional OPAMPS (3 more)
8-bit D/A Converter (DAC8) ×2 (for ACMPLP)
Low-Power Analog Comparator (ACMPLP) × 2
Human Machine Interface (HMI) Segment LCD Controller (SLCDC)
Of the 84 General Purpose I/O Ports, how many does the R4 WiFi implement?
I agree I would like something that has all the IO of the Mega, but ease of use of the Uno R4. Like USB-C, No reboot when you connect a USB device, Not sharing D0,D1 with the USB interface, but I need something with 48 GPIO.
Hi @Hsubtnarg. I know it was already mentioned and rejected previously in this thread, but I'll mention the GIGA R1 WiFi again just to make sure you have taken a look. It meets all the specific requirements you listed e(ven though it did not meet the 5 V logic requirement specified by @flynace). The GIGA R1 WiFi is a bit more complex to work with than the UNO R4 WiFi due to its high spec STM32H747xI microcontroller and use of the Mbed OS operating system.
You can buy a cheap little adapter that converts a USB-C cable to the USB-B socket on the Mega 2560. You can even leave it inserted in the Mega if you like. I use a collection of these adapters to allow me to use a single USB cable with any of the many different Arduino boards I use each day.
Do you mean the board resetting when you connect to its serial port (e.g., using Arduino IDE Serial Monitor)? If so, it is possible to disable that behavior. One option is to cut the solder jumper on the board that is marked "RESET-EN". You should note that if you do that, you will need to manually reset the board during the upload process (the purpose of the board's auto-reset circuit is to activate the bootloader during the upload process).
Is it really a significant problem? The Mega has so many pins that it seems like having to avoid the use of two of them isn't likely to be a problem.