Hi, I'm using TTGO ESP32 and I've got an MFRC522 from AliExpress.
I've soldered connector pins to the board itself (both for ESP32 and MFRC522) and I'm using Dupont wires female-to-female to connect themselves.
However, using an example sketch (DumpInfo) from miguelbalboa's RFID library, it says communication failure and scanning 3 different key cards or the key fob doesn't output anything.
Firmware Version: 0xFF = (unknown)
WARNING: Communication failure, is the MFRC522 properly connected?
This is my current pinout scheme:
(MFRC - ESP32)
SDA (SS) -> 33
SCK -> 25
MISO -> 27
MOSI -> 26
RST -> 37
And, of course also GND to G and 3.3V to 3.3V.
I've also tried SDA and SCK to connect to 21 and 22, respectively but no luck.
Though I have a DS1307 RTC module and connected accordingly and it's working fine, by using Dupont wires, with the same method.
A manufacturer's defect or still I'm making an error somewhere? Also, if it's the first case, to confirm it once again, should I try an SD card module adapter and see if it works?
You can see TTGO's ESP32 pinout diagram in attachments and also a picture of MFRC522 wired using dupont wires. I may be using (again) the wrong pins. The red LED on the MFRC522 is stable, though.
Thank you in advance.