Motion Sensor to USB

hi all,
I need connect motion detector sensor (for example HC-SR501) to Android device via USB,
WITHOUT Arduino Board

Any ideas how can I to do this?

I have Android programmer

many thanks ))

And you ask in the arduino forum? :slight_smile:

Well Passive Infrared (PIR) Motion Sensor Wil set a pin to TTL HIGH when motion is detected and it will stay HIGH For some time, usually there is a potentiometer to set the duration (and another for sensitivity)

I assume that if you were to hack a custom USB cable and develop a low level driver you could possibly read that HIGH On one of the USB data pin... that will require efforts and some hardware

A small arduino will make this totally trivial by sending a serial event and will probably be less expensive and better quality... why don't you want the arduino?

An alternative would be to connect this signal Pin to a jack with correct V adaptation and use audio listening capability of your phone instead of USB to check on a HIGH event