MPR121 sensitivity adjustment

Hi I want to adjust the sensitivity of MPR121
How do I change it? I found setThreshholds(uint8_t touch, uint8_t release) this code
but I don't know where to put it in. I don't really know the principle of it. Please help me!!

Put it in setup()
Must be after begin()
The default value for touch is 12 and the default value for release is 6

If I want little touch can trigger the sensor what number is appropriate?

Between 4 and 16 is the normal range for touch, relesse should be less than touch.
Try 16 for touch and 8 for release.

It errors repeatedly..

Please post your code using code tags ""

#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_MPR121.h"

#ifndef _BV
#define _BV(bit) (1 << (bit)) 

// You can have up to 4 on one i2c bus but one is enough for testing!
Adafruit_MPR121 cap = Adafruit_MPR121();

// Keeps track of the last pins touched
// so we know when buttons are 'released'
uint16_t lasttouched = 0;
uint16_t currtouched = 0;

void setup() {

  while (!Serial) { // needed to keep leonardo/micro from starting too fast!
  Serial.println("Adafruit MPR121 Capacitive Touch sensor test"); 
  // Default address is 0x5A, if tied to 3.3V its 0x5B
  // If tied to SDA its 0x5C and if SCL then 0x5D
  if (!cap.begin(0x5A)) {
    Serial.println("MPR121 not found, check wiring?");
    while (1);
  Serial.println("MPR121 found!");
  setThreshholds(16 touch, 8 release);

void loop() {
  // Get the currently touched pads
  currtouched = cap.touched();
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<12; i++) {
    // it if *is* touched and *wasnt* touched before, alert!
    if ((currtouched & _BV(i)) && !(lasttouched & _BV(i)) ) {
      Serial.print(i); Serial.println(" touched");
    // if it *was* touched and now *isnt*, alert!
    if (!(currtouched & _BV(i)) && (lasttouched & _BV(i)) ) {
      Serial.print(i); Serial.println(" released");

  // reset our state
  lasttouched = currtouched;

  // comment out this line for detailed data from the sensor!
  // debugging info, what
  Serial.print("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t 0x"); Serial.println(cap.touched(), HEX);
  Serial.print("Filt: ");
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<12; i++) {
    Serial.print(cap.filteredData(i)); Serial.print("\t");
  Serial.print("Base: ");
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<12; i++) {
    Serial.print(cap.baselineData(i)); Serial.print("\t");
  // put a delay so it isn't overwhelming

Thank you

setThreshholds(16 touch, 8 release);

Should be:

setThreshholds(16, 8 );

it doesn't work but really thank you I'll find the way thank you so much

If you need help let us know.

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