multi arduino and PC serial communication

Hello to all, I starting new project, which will have HMI (Windows PC, C# Form) as the master, and on the PC, I want to connect via the serial port 5 arduino, send and receive data. In my project I have are 3 motors, NEMA 23 and DM542T drivers, which are on 3 arduino UNO, and these three UNO, communicate each separately via usb with PC,
and I have 2 arduino MEGA for IO, also communicate each separately via usb with PC.

I have already tested with 2 arduins and it works without problems, my question is, is this possible like this, are there any flaws in this kind of communication? and how many such serial communications can I achieve?
And if you have a better suggestion feel free to say, thank you in advance!

That should work and you can have as many Arduinos attached as you have USB ports available, whether on your PC or an expander.

Just be aware that the COM port that gets assigned to each Arduino may vary depending on the order they are plugged in. You may want to have the C# program ask each Arduino connected to identify itself when it starts.

I would expect that a single Uno could control three stepper motors, but perhaps it'll be simpler if you use one for each.

I see no reason you cannot do it. I do it all the time with Linux, no drivers or any thing else like that. I generally do it using a USB3 hub (I know it is USB 2.0). When one of them is turned on Linux automatically enumerates it and assigns a USB port designator. These are usually assigned in the order they connect. If they disconnect then reconnect the port assignment is maybe the same. Simple trick I use each one as it is reset has a hello message then I know who is whom.

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