Hello community,
is it possible to connect multible (actual 6 displays) to one arduino nano? How to wire it and how to control it?
my test does not work. i tried it with tft and adafruit library.
i connected all displays
arduino gnd -> tft gnd
arduino 3,3v -> tft vcc
arduino pin13 -> tft SCL
arduino pin11 -> tft SDA
arduino pin2 -> tft RES
ardiono pin3 -> tft1 DC
ardiono pin4 -> tft2 DC
ardiono pin5 -> tft3 DC
ardiono pin6 -> tft4 DC
ardiono pin7 -> tft5 DC
ardiono pin8 -> tft6 DC
i tried the code also the adafruit code:
#include <SPI.h> // Arduino SPI library
#include <TFT.h>
TFT myScreen1 = TFT(10, 3, 2);
void setup(void) {
myScreen1.background(0, 0, 0);
myScreen1.text("Sensor Value : ",0,0);
void loop() {
myScreen1.text("TFT1", 0, 20);
Images from the diaplsy: