OK i have seen a lot of projects called guarduno. I have seen them using multiple sensors and just want to know how i been trying to figure out the code but my head and wall don't seem to be making any headway other then getting very soar
this is about the extent i have got so far earlie stages ( VERY EARLIE Stages )
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Servo.h>
//2,3,4,5 data pins
//0 is rs 1 is rw
LiquidCrystal lcd(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
int fanPin = 7; // fans on
int servoPin = 6; // move fans
int waterPin = 8; // pump water for soil
int hotWaterPin = 9; // water to pump hot water around
int hotProbepin = a4; // water tank temp
int waterProbePin = a3; // watering tanks temp ie is it freezeing
int soilProbePin = a2; // soil temp is it going to freeze
int moisterPin = a5; // copper rods in soil
int internalTempPin = a0; // is it too hot and humid ?
int externalTempPin = a1; // is the humidity higher then interal ?
int windowPin = 10; // open window
void setup()
void loop()
ok so what i know is for temp probes u have
analog read = internaltemppin =a01
or something like that that i know i can't read all these probes instantly so these going to be a delay option but i do not understand how to well do programming its my biggest weakness i know how to get the electronics to do what i want but not the software that works out the temps and control ls the relays , and how to display it to and lcd screen
and how to make the conditions if you noticed a problem let me know so i can sort it out i included a pic of what i am trying to control so you get some idea if you need more info let me know.