I have an Arduino UNO board connected to an SSC-32 board via RX/TX (pin 0 and pin 1 on the Arduino). This has worked fine in the past, but I want to add a voice recognition module to the mix. I ordered this module http://www.ebay.com/itm/Voice-Recognition-Module-Arduino-Compatible-/280793964171?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item41609fde8b#ht_6167wt_1163. I received it in the mail today and it appears it too needs to be connected to Arduino pins 0 and 1. This is obviously a problem since I already have the SSC-32 using those pins.
I did some googling and I think I might be able to use the "NewSoftSerial" library to accomplish this, but I read on one site that the NewSoftSerial lib was only to move pins 0/1 to other pins, not to add more of them.
Any and all suggestions are really appreciated, and I thank you for taking the time to reply.
I read on one site that the NewSoftSerial lib was only to move pins 0/1 to other pins, not to add more of them.
What site was that? The hardware pins can't be moved. SoftwareSerial adds "bit-banged" serial comms to other pins that you nominate. There are some limitations in bit-banged serial, but it works OK up to a point.
Basically I need to communicate to 2 different serial devices at the same time using the UNO. I know the Mega has multiple serial ports, but I guess I wasn't reading the software serial correctly.
I'm fairly new to Arduino and serial programming altogether, but it looks like SoftwareSerial will do the trick.
the HW serial pins (0+1) talk to device #1 (they do it with their own independent serial circuit)
the SW serial pins talk to device #2 (they r independent from the HW serial operations, but they take the full attention of the arduino during a communication)
the HW serial pins (0+1) talk to device #1 (they do it with their own independent serial circuit)
the SW serial pins talk to device #2 (they r independent from the HW serial operations, but they take the full attention of the arduino during a communication)
It may not be a solution, but could a switch be used to alter which device is connected to pins 0 and 1. A DPDT switch might work bit I'm thinking something else would be better.