Music Memory

I'm wanting to create a physical piece that allows users to use RFID tags to choose a certain music playlist year. When the RFID tag would be placed on the RFID reader the music would play and I also want a slideshow of photos from the same year. I have the code to get the RFID working with music, still having a few problems though.

But I was just wondering if anyone had an idea how I would get the photos playing on screen ?

Any feedback would be great.


if anyone had an idea how I would get the photos playing on screen ?

What computer?

A solution that works for any computer is to write a program in the language called Processing to display a set of pictures when it receives a message from the arduino.

On a Mac you can use apple script to tell a slid show program to run. That is much easier.

I have a mac, and using some processing. Would RFID to trigger the slideshow?

Yes, what ever you want.
This project uses RFID to trigger a display of a picture, not quite what you are after but it could get you started:-