My 8x8 dot matrix doesn't work properly

Apologize for my poor English.

here's the video.

The matrix module is properly connected and sometimes it properly works. But most of the time, it doesn't.
And when it goes wrong during operation, the script stops working.
How can I solve this problem? Do I have to change the module?
It would be easier to find the problem if it didn't work at all, but it's not that case right now, so it's too hard.

Describe how you intended the LED matrix to work.

Your English is fine. Use google.translate if you want.

Two suggestions, first post your code and also post an annotated schematic showing all connections, power sources, grounds and note any wire lead over 10"/25cm in length.

Here's the code that you can see in the video.

#include "LedControl.h"

LedControl dot = LedControl(9,11,10,1); // DIN, CLK CS

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Serial Port");

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  for(int i=0;i<8;i++)for(int j=i+1;j<8;j++){


Here's the photos of how I wired
Ignore the button wiring connection

Displaying 20240627_150011.jpg

Displaying 20240627_150025.jpg

I didn't quite understand your difficulty with your project.
See how it works in the simulation and tell us how it should work.

I think the module is broken. Now it doesn't work at all.

Make a drawing of how all the devices are connected. Also, add a picture of all the devices connected.

Your pictures did not make it. I think you are missing the CS(Chip Select) connection.