My Arduino flight controller always disconnects when installing the dynamo

During my first experiment I made a drone circuit using a brushed motor and a schematic circuit owned by Electronoobs. So, after that, I assembled it and finished making the flight controller (I haven't installed the dynamo yet) I tried it on the MultiWii, the transmitter and receiver are connected to each other and the movements on the joystick are also recorded on the MultiWii. but after I assembled it for the brushed motor and I installed it in my Arduino flight controller, but when it was powered by a 2s lipo and connected for a moment and part of the dynamo rotated by itself, I don't know, I didn't know before I raised the throttle... well when I raised the throttle it actually turned between the receivers and the network transmitter suddenly disconnects and the dynamo rotates randomly and irregularly. and there is no longer a connection between the remote and the receiver. please friends what is the solution