My Arduino micro board has a weird feature for its kind-[SOLVED]

My Arduino micro, which is a clone, has a weird feature for its kind, I've never seen this feature before I got it, fades it's built-in LED 3 times per second for 8 seconds, then lights up its RX led for 250 milliseconds, then runs my program as if it was a normal Arduino micro.
there is nothing wrong with it, I'd just like to tell all of you here. this is why I thought was broken, it wasn't, so I hope I didn't cause an inconvenience.
it looks like this:

Feel free to tell me how you all feel about this.

Under what circumstances does it do that ?

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when I reset it via the RST button.

That sounds like either a bootloader feature or something that has been included as part of the build process. Which Arduino clone do you have?

Either way, I wouldn't want to hang around for 8 seconds waiting for my code to run. Unless of course it's something unavoidable to do with the choice of micro, then I'd either put up with it or look to an alternative micro.

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yeah, sounds like a bootloader feature, I'm not sure I should burn the bootloader.
as for the question about the clone, it's from the "GeeekPi Ultimate Starter Kit", it was made in China, and it's the "Micro R3" board.
its name is in all caps, but I don't want to shout.

I'll burn the bootloader, because sometimes, something goes wrong,
and I need to reset the Arduino micro, but it takes 8 seconds before it actually runs my code, which is slow.

It's the bootloader on boards that have native USB. It indicates that it's waiting for a possible upload.

How does the board identify itself in Windows device manager or dmesg in linux? Micro or Leonardo?

On an official Leonardo, a single tap reset will result in the L-LED fading in/out for 8 seconds.

On my Micro (What's Next, kind of a clone from the old, I need to double tap the reset button to invoke the bootloader. A single tap resets the board but it will go to the loaded sketch within a second. I suspect that this Micro actually uses the modified bootloader as described at Pro Micro & Fio V3 Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn.

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huh, odd, I thought it acts like... the Arduino nano for example.

Anybody can put anything on a package or board. Check how it is identified by the operating system.

For clone manufacturersr it's all about costs. So a certain clone manufacturer might program all 5V/16MHz 32U4 based boards with the same bootloader (Leonardo) regardless of what it actually is.

And based on posts on this forum, they do.

well, it failed anyway, not in a bad way, the programmer was not responding, which is good, because of what @sterretje said.
so, there is nothing wrong with the bootloader, it's just how it works I guess.

sorry, just a simple reading error, I corrected my mistake.

thanks guys!
I've learned that the MEGA32U4 has a bootloader that is quite different from others, and burning(replacing) the bootloader is no bueno, as that's how the bootloader works!

You still haven't told us how the board identifies itself.

I unfortunately don't have an original Micro but replacing the Leonardo bootloader with the Micro bootloader should solve the issue of a single tap invoking the bootloader.

okay, interesting, the issue is not a big deal though, I was just curious as to why.

And I'm still curious about how the board identifies itself :wink:

thank you!

There was one omission in my post #7. The bootloader identifies the board in bootloader mode (the 8 seconds); the sketch identifies the board as whatever you programmed it (Leonardo, Micro).

it doesn't identify itself, I needed to pick the "Arduino micro" option.

I'm talking about Windows explorer or whatever is at the operating system level.

Arduino Micro on settings, serial device on device manager.