Hi. Just getting into installing a ESP32. I paste the wrong thing into the boards manager.
Which I deleted as soon as I realised the error.
This is what I pasted.
I have uninstalled the IDE and rebooted the PC. Then downloaded the latest version. and installed. But still getting the error.
Any help on its storage location Might be useful.
Hi @AntonyG. The URL you put in the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" field in the Arduino IDE preferences is to an index file. When you install the ESP32 boards platform using the Arduino IDE Boards Manager, it gets a list of URLs for the files it needs to download to make the installation from that index.
The URL you see in the error message is for one of the tools that must be downloaded and installed along with the ESP32 boards platform. So it is normal for the IDE to attempt to download from this URL.
So I think you are drawing the wrong conclusion by thinking that the cause of this error is the URL you accidentally pasted into the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" preferences field. Forget about that and focus on why the download is failing.
This problem might be caused by your firewall or some other network security system (e.g., proxy or VPN) interfering with Arduino IDE's ability to access the Internet.
Are you aware of anything special about the configuration of the network you connect to the Internet through that might interfere with Arduino IDE's access to the Internet?