My new Funnel IO mocks me

So, I am a newb and I am thinking, maybe Funnel IO was not the way to go for my trial run.

So I turn it on, XBee's happily configured, and I try all the tricks I have read everywhere and all I get is the frustrating:

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51

All my Funnel IO does is blink. How it blinks is, it starts off slowly, then is accelerates. It follows this cycle for 10 seconds, then repeats.

Now, I am under the impression that the Funnel IO has the same firmware/bootloader as the Lilypad. This information from Sparkfun, where I got the Funnel. I looked at the bootloader source and it does not describe this blinking routine I am seeing.

If the Funnel IO is blinking it's status to me, then I can't find documentation on line about what it is trying to say.

I know Shigeru Kobayashi posts on this board, I was wondering if I could pick his brain.

I have followed so many different how to's that I'm dizzy, and if I am just banging my head against something that isn't listening, that would explain so much

What does this blink sequence mean?

Are you trying to program it over the Xbee? Did you get the correct Xbee modules that support the wireless programming? Do you have the correct com port selected in the IDE? I'm not sure what the current status is, but when I last looked into it people were still having trouble uploading larger sketches. The blink is the default program loaded on Arduino to test before shipping. Have you tried the usb cable?

Hello Digger, thanks for your responce.

1st. The Xbee's are configured as instructed and are the models expected (however, baudrate is a mystery at this point, though the .pro files online suggest 19200). They loopback just fine over the air.

2nd. The USB socket is only for battery charging, there is no FTDI like on other boards.

3rd. I have an FTDI dongle, but apperently the TX lead on the IC is broken, making me very sad.

Here is the flash sequence

I didn't realize the board didn't have the ftdi chip. Did you make the solder bridges indicated on the website here:

That is to enable the autoreset. Other than that I guess you'll have to wait for some info from someone that actually has the board :wink:

Yup, and the changes in settings to make that feature functional.

I'm unable to configure the xbee as per the instructions on specifically

Using X-CTU (on Windows)

  • upload hardware/fio/xbee/ to the coordinator
  • upload hardware/fio/xbee/ to the end device

I have the 2.5 version
using X-CTU if I read the device I get XB24-B firmware 1220
I got them @ XBee 2mW Series 2.5 Wire Antenna - WRL-08695 - SparkFun Electronics

the settings show a XB24 with a different function set and version.

So does anyone know which xbees the instructions refer to and can the ones I have be used with the FIO for wireless uploading of sketches?


I'm in the same boat, but I've forged on with the 2.5 radios and I DO have the radios working, but not for flashing the boards.

I have yet to flash the boards using XBee.

I have a droids 900.004 USB serial board that I use for uploading firmware to the funnel io. I can then connect to the funnel io over xbee 2.5 to interface the board.

By interface the board, I mean play with

So here's a quick howto:

  • Take your favorite USB to TTL Serial adapter
  • Connect pins TX RX RTS and GND to the funnel
  • Power everything on
  • Attempt to load firmware to the Funnel at 19200 baud
  • If it doesn't work the first time, swap the RX and TX leads (we all do it :wink:
  • If that works, then load Bitlash. Make sure to drop the baud rate from 57600 to 19200 in the source. High speed baud is great for later, but right now, lets just keep it slow and reliable
  • Get used to bitlash. I think it's broken in many ways, but for right now, we just want a serial terminal to get feed back from
  • Power down
  • Unplug your favorite USB to TTL Serial adapter and all it's leads

And that's where the tutorial I'm writing ends. With an ardunio that gives feedback. From here on out, you just need to get your XBee's sending serial data. Once you get a connection, you can try tweaking settings until everything works. I am not at that point.

Here is what I suspect is wrong with my setup. The connection seams very laggy. I suspect that the data gets sent long after the board stops listening. I could be wrong, I am still not far, here.

so to follow up on my own experience, I ordered a set of series 1 xbees from spark fun to so I could at least get my project running. same problem though. absolute failure.

so now I have a part for part replica of with the sparkfun parts, 2 xbees labeled 0 & 1 so I don't confuse them and the correct firmware and settings loaded on both.

I get the RSSI light on the FIO that goes out after about 10 seconds and a failure on the arduino IDE. testing the xbee pair with the X-CTU range test feature shows an RSSI light on the FIO as well but failures on each test.

I'd love to hear from nayone who has an identical setup that works. anyone know what I can look at to test?


and to follow-up again...

I'd go on and on about how I did every correctly many times, but now I'm too distracted to talk. I need to play.

I think the significant difference this time was I selected the "always update firmware" option in X-CTU even though both were already updated. whatever. it works. I'm blissfully happy I can proceed now.

hey guess what. it works once. then fails on all new uploads. if I reflash the end device, i get to upload to it once more then I have to remove it, place it in the ..

just tested pulling the coordinator usb and that works, slightly less then perfect but much easier.

if I power the end device and then power the CO, the RSSI light goes on for both, thus I can upload if I press upload while both are meshed. to upload new sketches, repower (plug and unplug the usb mini on the SFXE) the CO and watch the end RSSI lightup, then push upload.

needs work but I'm sure that'll be resolved.

So I was in the same boat...
Nothing was working. So I started from scratch. I reset both of my XBEEs ( verison 1, verison 2 and 2.5 are NOT SUPPORTED) using X-CTU. I then reprogrammed the XBEEs according to the chart on the Arduino FIO board page. Simple as that. Three hours of frustration rewarded with AWESOME wireless bootloading...

Note my post ( where I update the wireless bootloader to work with Zigbee/Series 2. My downloads have been trivial and flawless...
