I have an Arduino Nano Sense 33 BLE from the Tiny Machine Learning Kit and it worked well for all the sketches and trainings used in the HarvardX course #3.
After the final application (the magic wand) it started suddenly to not longer uploading sketches via the Arduino IDE (2.2.1).
I have exactly the same issues as already described here in the forum
and already tested the following:
different USB cables
re-installing Arduino IDE (including use of CC Cleaner, to remove everything)
running Arduino IDE as administrator
double Click routine on reset button on nano (Led is fading in and out when i do so, Arduino is detected on Comport, when i use the serial monitor of the IDE, and try to upload bare minimu oder blink even can start the bootloader, only the upload is not working, gives the following error message:
Set binary mode
Send auto-baud
Set binary mode
No device found on COM4
Fehlgeschlagenes Hochladen: Hochladefehler: exit status 1
testing different USB port
try to use a USB Hub (mine are 3.0)
using a WIO Terminal at the same USP Ports (everything works fine, no issues)
Finally i tried the same setting (Nano 33BLE with the same USB cable) with another PC and voila, it is working. So, i uploaded the bare minimum sketch to be sure, that no "old" sketch is disturbing, but on the first PC, unfortunally, it is still not working.
So these experiences at least let me assume, that neither the USB cable, nor the Arduino itself have problems.
So, in order to find out the difference between both PC (both Windows Laptops with Windows 11), i checked a lot, compared the USB port information in Windows device manager, installed only the necessary and same libraries and board managers in the IDE, but could not find any difference.
Anybody with the same experiences or some hints, where to look up?
Check that the board's Package Core is installed, it contains the board's driver.
Make sure you select the board and the port it is connected to before uploading a sketch.
If #1-3 above fails to solve it, double tap the reset button fast and check the status of the onboard "L" LED. If the onboard LED fade in and out slowly (pulsating), upload an example sketch (Blink LED) from the IDE to the board.
Dear Dozie,
thank you for your swift reply.
I already tried out # 1-3 withtout succes.
I also checked the first part of #4 which works fine, i can start the bootloader by double clicking the reset button. I can even trigger the start of the bootloader, by starting the upload process (the led starts fading in and out). But nevertheless, the upload wont work.
If the board works fine when you connect it to another PC and no other board works fine when you use your pc, then you have to try resolving any USB driver issue your PC might have.
Other boards (e.g. Wio Terminal, Xiao, ESO32C3, RaspPi Pico) work fine with the same PC, at the same USB Ports, where only the Arduino Nano 33BLE Sense do not like to accept sketch to be uploaded (neither via Arduino IDE nor Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO).
I'm not familiar with your board. I do not know when you double tap because you don't state that; you should basically do that when the IDE reports the memory usage.
thank you
as i understand from another post, the moment and as long you see the orange LED fading in and out, the bootloader is running, so it won't be necessary to find the "right moment"
additionally, even without tapping twice on the reset button, my IDE, when starting to upload, after compiling, initializes the bootloader running, which i can see from the LED fading in an out. So i assume the device is ready, and only the uploading of a new sketch is failing.
so here comes the promissed solution.
first of all a big thanks to the Arduino Support Team (Yoshio Garcia). They replied quick and helpful and found the solution:
I had to just to turn of the bluetooth of my computer, as this produced two serial com ports via bluetooth (Com3 and Com4) where one of them had the same number as the port used by the Arduino board.
So hopefully this might be helpfull for others too and thanks again to all supporters