Nano 33 IoT and Over-The-Air Updates

Nano 33 IoT, connectivity module firmware 1.4.8, uploaded smart_led (through usb port) and it works.
I would like to upload sketches through OTA, but in the upload menù of the on-line editor this option is not available. In order to make it available at least the "entry profile plan" is required with a cost of 1.99 USD/month.
I rummage in internet, but no topics about OTA with paid profile upgrade.
Do you confirm that "OTA Updates" is not free but a paid profile upgrade is needed?

do you need to update from cloud?
for local OTA from the IDE you can use my ArduinoOTA library based on the Arduino WiFi101OTA library. the library is the Library Manager

Hi Juraj,
thank you very much for your quick reply.
You are right, I don't need to update from the cloud.
I installed ArduinoOTA library and uploaded in the Nano the WiFi101OTA example.
I disconnected the Nano from the pc and connected to another power supply.
The Nano connected automatically to the wifi network, the IDE could see the Nano IP port, I tried to upload the same sketch through the wifi network (the same network of the pc), a window popped up asking board name and password, I pressed enter twice, but after that nothing happened.
So I reset the Nano and installed again the IDE 2.0.3, now the Nano connects to the wifi network, but the IDE 2.0.3 does not see it.
What can I do?
I'm getting crazy.

default board name is Arduino and default password is "password" as entered in

 ArduinoOTA.begin(WiFi.localIP(), "Arduino", "password", InternalStorage);

try a double reset to bootloader if you don't see the com port

I see the com port, i can upload the sketch through the com port, i read the ip address in the serial monitor, but the IDE can not see the board when connected to another power supply.
In any case I double reset to bootloader...but nothing.
I'm sure that the board is on-line because I see it in connected device list of the hot spot of my mobile.

Hi Juraj,
I installed IDE in another PC including (obviously) ArduinoOTA : everything works perfectly and I can upload sketches by means of ArduinoOTA directly from my PC (the cloud is not required).
Probably in the first PC something is missing or some firewall is active. Now I'm sure that everything works, so I'll check what's wrong.
Thank you for your help, the problem is solved.

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