Nano BLE Sense - Bluetooth not working on battery/powersupply


I am trying to get Accelerometer data over Bluetooth BLE from Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense and then process this data on a Android Mobile App.

It is working fine only when Arduino Nano BLE Sense is connected to a PC through usb cable to load the sketh using Arduino Web Editor. So basically it is working when connected to Web Editor and I was able to see the Device( arduino ble sense) published over bluetooth ble and I was able see it using Nordic nRF Connect app and also I was able to connect and get data using my mobile App..

It is NOT working when Arduino Nano BLE Sense device is not connected to pc/ arduino web editor.. ie in the following cases :
(1) when connected to only power supply using usb cable
(2) battery using usb cable or
(3) connected to pc using usb cable ( with not connecting/logging on to arduino web editor)

The intent is to make it work remotely, so it should be able to work on a battery or some powersupply.

I am not sure why it is not working ... as the sketch is already loaded on to device, so when power supply provided ( i can see green light ) ideally bluetooth functionality should work I think.

I would greatly appreciate if some of you experts provide some guidance / pointers in resolving this issue

Thank You


Hello Sree,

Without seeing the code it sounds a lot like you have a line in your setup function similar to:


This means that the device will wait until a serial communication is established before proceeding with the code.

Also if you use a battery that is below the minimum input voltage for the VIN pin (which I think is around 5V) then this can cause power issues.

If there isn't the while loop in your code please upload the code by posting in the reply and use thing </> button.




You are wonderful!! Thank you so much

As you pointed out "while(!Serial);" is the issue..

I made the change . It is working now with battery/power supply..

Thanks again



I had the exact same problem, thanks!