Recently, I purchased a Rev2 set, and started working on it. When it came to the motors, it all worked quite well, but when I moved houses and tried setting up everything, all of a sudden, the orange chrg light started to glow even though I had no battery connected, just the usb, and whenever I would insert the nano 33 IoT into the board, i would lose the signal from it to matlab, and whenever I would remove it from the motor carrier, i would regain signal from the board (in matlab). I checked the gnd and 5v/3.3v pins for continuity, which there was none, and i had reinstalled all software on my computer to see if it fixed. What can I do to fix it?
Show a drawing of your "last" project, and the code.
Can you upload and run a "Hello, World!" and "Blink" program?
There is to much information missing to accurately answer your question. Posting an annotated schematic is the best way to get the problem solved in a short period of time. Post links to all of the hardware devices connected be sure the links give technical information. Azon links are generally useless. Be sure to show all connections, power sources, external components such as resistors, capacitors etc. Can you post a clear picture of the project hopefully so we can read labels etc.