Nano RP2040 Connect 3.3V with 5V L298N Motor driver


If I connect my nano RP2040 with an L298N motor driver, something like this:
The image is taken from Interface L298N DC Motor Driver Module with Arduino

I have read that the nano has 3.3V operating voltage. Will this setup break the Arduino because of the different voltage levels? Or is it OK since the Arduino is only sending signals and not receiving them from the motor controller? Or will a 'high' signal from the 3.3V not work with the 5V motor controller?

Could I power the Arduino by connecting the 5V from the motor controller to Vin on the Arduino?

Edit: I tried it, seems to be working, hope I didn't break anything...

Maybe you got lucky. Your frizzy picture does not agree with what you are saying. Please post an Annotated schematic. 5V on 3V3 tends to destroy parts as do motors when connected to logic pins. I do not expect your motors to work very well. Lose the L298N for a bridge with MOSFET outputs.

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