Nano V3 Driver

I have a user who uses Arduino boards on a standalone Windows 10 machine, by standalone I mean he is not connected to the Internet. He has an Arduino Nano V3 card that uses Mini (not Micro) USB. What driver do I need to install for this device to work?


There is no such thing as a "nano v3" that uses micro USB - so it is a clone.

Nano and clones use external serial interface chip, but you need to examine the board to determine which one it is (CH340G is used on most clones, CP2102 on some, FT232 on rare faithful clones and official boards, counterfeit FT232 on some boards from a few years ago; these won't work without special workarounds if they were plugged into an updated windows computer when the driver that bricked them was in windows update during ftdi-gate mess a few years ago). Whichever one it is, google the part number, windows 10, and the word drivers, and download the installer for the drivers. The CH340G one is a file called cH341ser.exe - the dialogs look really engrishy and non-encouraging, but they work great.